An all-inclusive, easy to use, streamlined approach to Preschool and Kindergarten for 3-5 year olds designed for teachers and parents, boxed and delivered right to your door!
Is Rock and Grow right for me?
We design our no-prep Preschool and Kindergarten curriculum kits for homeschool, private preschool, joy school, and daycare settings. Our boxed Preschool and Kindergarten Curriculum Kits are delivered to your door with all supplies included every month.
Our full-of-fun kits are perfect for parents and teachers who are looking for an engaging and effective program that’s easy to use. Our themed monthly calendars make planning a breeze. All the work is done for you before you even begin!
We keep it simple.... no lesson books to chase down or flip through, no wondering what activities to do next, and no more searching stores for supplies. You’ll find everything needed for teaching with a suggested outline and step-by-step instructions in each daily bag. Simply pull the daily bag out of the box and be ready to begin your day. Preschool and Kindergarten curriculum has never been easier than Rock and Grow.
Get preschool and Kindergarten homeschool curriculum that provides fun learning activities to ensure fun learning. We strive to make parents and teachers lives’ simple. Give it a try...we know you will love it!